How to Apply
The Animation major has a limited enrollment. We strongly advise you to have an alternative plan available so that you can continue to progress on the path of academic excellence in the event that you are not accepted. For the Computer Science Animation Emphasis, go to
ATTENTION: The DEADLINE to submit your application to the Animation program is June 12th, 2020. Applications open 30 days prior to the deadline date.
Step 1
Declare pre-animation as your major. To do this stop by room D-444 of the HFAC (Harris Fine Arts Center) and ask ask the secretary to change your records to "Pre-animation." If you cannot stop by, email them at or call them at (801) 422-3777. You will need to provide the secretary with your name and student ID number.
Step 2
Complete the following prerequisite classes:
CSAnm 150 (Intro to 3D Computer Graphics)
DES 150 / DESIL 131 / DES 131 (Intro to Figure Drawing)
DESAN 160 (Intro to 2D Animation)
Please note: You do not have to take these classes all in one semester. It may help you to take them over two or more semesters if you can as it gives you more time to develop your portfolio.
Step 3
To get to the Application please follow these steps:
a) Go to
b) Click on "Animation Application" (Note: available 30 days prior to deadline)
c) Create a Slideroom Account, if you do not have one, to access the application.
Please contact the Department of Design for any questions about the application at 801-422-7321 or
Your Portfolio
- 5–10 of your best figure drawings from DESAN/DESIL/DES 131 (Intro to Figure Drawing)
- 1 animation sample—preferably 2D traditional animation from DESAN 160 (Intro to 2D Animation Skills). (Upload a playable file in Quicktime, SWF, AVI, etc. with a 60 MB limit).
- 2–5 samples of 3D graphic images from CSANM 150 (3D Graphics).
- Up to 5 other creative works in any medium that demonstrates your skills.
- A physical sketchbook which is due on the application deadline date. Make sure your name (first and last) and contact information is clearly written at the front of your book. This must be delivered to F543 HFAC on or before 11 PM or sent to the following address:
Department of Design E509 HFAC Provo, UT 84602.
What are we looking for?
The application process and how we evaluate value is as follows:
- 5-10 figure drawings counts 40%
- Sketchbook counts 15%
- Traditional animation sample counts 15%
- 3D Models (2 to 5 of them) count 30%
We are looking for solid drawing and animating skills. Although many students want to focus on computer animation, we believe that all types of animation have their foundation in solid drawing and traditional animation. For the figure drawings, the type of drawings we are looking for show proper use of shapes, proportions, and line control. However, we are not as concerned about tightly rendered drawings (highly shaded) as we are looking for a student who knows how to use and control line to express gesture. Classic Illustration teachers such as Andrew Loomis or Bridgeman are good sources of study.
As for sketchbooks, we love to see students who are studying and drawing from life. Students can benefit greatly from carrying a sketchbook with them, constantly practicing drawing as much and as often as they can. Drawing at the mall, in the library, at the zoo, or in any location that allows you to observe life is a great way to develop your skills. Emulation studies of professional industry character designers and comic artists is also a great way to expand your drawing abilities. We recommend looking at the work of people such as Cory Loftis, Borja Montoro, Maxime Mary, Pierre Alary, Nico Marlet, Claire Wendling, Shiyoon Kim, or any other professional industry artist.
For the animation sample, we are looking for a piece that shows a firm understanding and implementation of the 12 basic principles of animation. If you can familiarize yourself with the 12 principles of animation and learn to implement them in your animations, you will stand out. This can be developed in our Intro to 2D Animation (DESAN 160) class.